The questions is when will you hire an assistant to help run your business? Surely 6 figure businessmen didn't that much doing all the stuff needed to run a business. James Beattie advises to get a customer support person early on. Shopify Lifestyle shares that the first hire is the most crucial. Gabriel St-Germain has a post on automating your e commerce business. He shares there are three main time consuming tasks customer service order fulfillment marketing for customer service, he set up Zendesk and hired someone from Upwork to work at $7-8/hour Zendesk has a free to install app for Shopify but reviews were pretty bad he communicated with the CSR staff via Skype, trained this person well so this person can train newly hired CSR later on as you scale up makes macros on Zendesk so CSR agent has template on how to answer customer emails his first hire was the most important as this became the customer service manager for the new hires when he needed to scale...