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E Commerce Print on Demand

This is for beginners. Shared by Ivan Moponbanua

Print on demand (POD)
- custom merchandise items; can be anything like shirts, sneakers, mug, hoodies, bracelet, necklace, leggings etc

Some of the difference between dropshipping and print on demand in niche and product research
- in dropshipping,  you will base on the trend. What product is trending right now and then you will think the niche that is related to the product
- in POD, niches are already given and it all matters now in your design
- in dropshipping, you will just choose products directly in Ali Express and test it right away sicne the product is already made
- in POD, you need in depth research in the niche that you want to market
- in dropshipping, you can easily copy competitors best selling items
- in POD, you must be aware of the copyrighted and trademarked items in making a design
- in dropshipping, there are a lot of spy tools that you can use
- in POD, it requires that you manually research whatever niche you want to get in

Niche classification
- profession
- hobbies
- pets
- animals: unicorn, butterfly, wolf
- lifestyle: bohemian
- interest: gothic
- family: father, mother
- holidays--this is seasonal; 2 months before preparations are made
- awareness--breast cancer awareness, autism awareness
- zodiac/ birthstone/birthdays e.g. Legends are born
- fields of study
- movie/ anime fans
- personality
- beauty and healthcare-- more

Niche research
Google and Wikipedia
Top 10 jobs or highest paid profession in USA
Top 10 hobbies in USA
Search [Niche] Shirt for example and look at the images
Follow stores successful in POD
- look at their best selling designs
- check if they do reviews
- if you see that has several designs, then that niche could be profitable niche

Product research
Apparel/T shirts/ Hoodies
- teespring
- gearbubble
- redbubble
- sunfrog

- google image
- facebook

- Gearbubble
- Google

2 Kinds of POD Platform
1. Standalone: no store, examples: teespring, moteefe, merch by amazon

  • traffic is divided mostly to the standalone site like teespring

2. with Shopify integration e.g. printful, alloverprint

  • traffic is directed to your store or own website
  • apps for this: WC fulfillment, pillowprofits, shineon, interestprint
For Design
  • text base
    • good for shirt, hoodies, necklaces, bracelets
    • easy to re design for another niche
  • graphics/images
    • design good for sneakers, watches, wall clock, luggage cover, tote bag

Product pricing high perceived value
- shirt $25 (24.95)---very low profit
- hoodie $45 (44.95)
- dress $70 (69.95)
- sneaker $60
- sunglasses
- bracelets
- necklaces
- ring
- watch
Home Decor
- wall art
- wall clock
- pillow
Kitchen tools
Beauty products

Recommended Tshirt designer is Adam Guballa of Tshirtfella

Ivan Monponbanua shares how 1 design make him a lot of money
start with sneakers at $60
Wallet phone case $
Tote bag
Laggage cover

Google searches niche in images
Then send to designer and to make 3 revisions
He scaled up his business by having a product researcher then hiring a designer while he focused on ads


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